Wednesday, February 6, 2008

5 Must-Read Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

Each visitor to your blog or website is a potential customer, and any changes you make to the overall site design, usability, or quality of content on your blog can create or damage the customer-client relationship. You want to avoid turning visitors away because of a poorly-constructed site or presentation, and set your sights on finding ways to boost traffic.

Here are 5 ways to increase your blog's traffic.

1. Hosting the blog on your own domain.

This makes it much easier for search engines to find, and also makes your URL much more credible.

2. Write good titles.

Even people who are already subscribing to your blog may not actually click on the information you have written unless they are compelled to do so. Make sure your titles are on topic and describe the content you are posting. Using keywords in your titles makes it much easier for search engines to discover them as well.

3. Participate in discussion groups, forums, and even other blogs.

Taking initiative with your own social networking can help you gain a steady audience very quickly; try participating in online communities related to your industry, or run some keyword searches yourself and find out what your prospects are talking about within your niche.

4. Tag your content as often as possible.

Since many people run searches based on tags and keywords, larger sites including Digg, Technorati, and StumbleUpon use tags to sort all content published on the web, and you can reach a larger audience simply by breaking apart your content and submitting it to the appropriate categories.

5. Write quality content.

the more quality you provide for your readers, the higher the chances that your audience will link to you and share the information you are presenting to others.

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