Saturday, February 9, 2008

let's get a little personal...

This is a tag from Nancy, the author of Just the way it is...

1. Are you in a complicated love situation? {no}

2 . Do you hate more than 3 people? {no}

3 . The last thing you drank? {water}

4 . Favorite chocolate bar? {kisses}

5. Have you ever tripped someone? {no}

6. How many pairs of shoes do you own? {2}

7. Have you ever thrown up in public? {yes}

8 . Favorite genre of music? {love songs}

9. Do you like beer? {no.. i don't.. but I drink... occasionally}

10. What are your favorite colour(s)? {white, blue, green}
11. Is anyone in love with you? {Yes}

12.Pepsi or Sprite? {Sprite}

13. How many video games do you own? {None}

14. Does look matters? {yes}

15. Are you too forgiving? {Always}

16. Do you own something from Hottopic? {No}

17. Do you own a gun? {No}

18. What did you do last night? {blogging and coding a software until morning}

19. Nicknames? {Alchie and Balchee}

20. If you had a super power, what would it be? {Fly}

21 . Are you thinking about somebody right now? {No}

22 . Ever called somebody Boo? {Yes}

23. Are you happy with your life right now? {Yes}

24. Do you like your hair? {yes}

25 . Does anyone like you? {Many}
26 . Last thing you read? {I can't remember}
27 . Are you afraid of the dark? {
28 . Have you ever stripped? {No??}

29. Have you ever broken someone’s heart? {Perhaps}

30. Can you cook? {Yes}

31. Things that annoy you? {...}

32 . Money or Love? {Money}

33 . What do you want more than anything right now? {inspiration and motivation}

34. Do you enjoy scary movies? {No}

35. Marriage Or Live In? {whatever is necessary for the time being}

36. When was the last time you said "I love you" ? {2 days ago}

Now, I'm sending this to Catsy and Dante...

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